The "Nyan Cat" is a YouTube video of a cartoon cat with a poptart body with a rainbow being left behind in its trail. The background is of stars to show that the cat is flying and there is a track of a Japanese pop song being played. The video was uploaded on April 5, 2011 and soon became viral. The video itself is a bit ridiculous, but that is what makes it so special. It is cute, but annoying at the same time. Cats are very popular with internet memes and adding the body of a poptart just furthers this absurdness. The song completely tops off the video by having a vocaloid repeating "nyan" (the Japanese version of "meow"). The "Google Insights" interest kept rising until June 2011, and gradually began to drop. There is a small spike that occurs from 9/2011 - 10/2011, but then begins to gradually drop again up to this day. There are other very miniscule spikes at random times, but are not as noticeable compared to the 9/2011 - 10/2011 spike.
The "Nyan Cat" meme did not particularly influence any other memes (directly at least), but of course there were soon numerous remixes spawning from this. Although, there was a free version of a side-scrolling game called "Techno Kitten Adventure" soon released after (eventually coming to Facebook games). This was originally created in 2010, but it began releasing free versions of this game less than a week after the upload of "Nyan Cat". This game features a flying kitten requiring its player to avoid obstacles (siimilar to Robot Unicorn Attack that arose in early 2010).
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